Soft Tissue Sarcoma
You and your family will have many questions. These will include: “What is a sarcoma,
“How is Sarcoma different from other soft tissue cancers”
You should understand that these tumors are very rare. They may occur in the soft tissue of the trunk or limbs. They may also occur inside of the abdomen or chest, arising from internal organs, blood vessels, or connective tissues.
They are often confused with traumatic injuries or more common benign tumors that pose little risk. As a result, biopsy and/or treatment may be inappropriate.
Misguided treatment may lead to unnecessarily poor outcome with loss of contour, loss of function, loss of limb, or even loss of life.
It’s important to talk openly with your physicians. You need to understand the different approaches to diagnosis and how these can affect your treatment and potential for cure. You need to understand the different treatment options, and how and when they are given for your particular form of sarcoma.
Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, and drug therapy. Drugs and radiation may be given before surgery, after surgery, or not be indicated at all. You may also want to know about your future risk for recurrence and how to best manage that risk.
Did you know that some sarcomas may be completely cured, even when they recur in other parts of the body?
Dr. Hyams has more experience in the management of soft tissue sarcomas than most surgical specialists. He and his staff will make sure that you get all the information you need to make informed decisions.
He will integrate your care with other specialties commonly involved in sarcoma management, including medical oncology, radiation oncology and physical medicine. He will optimize your care in order to optimize your outcome.