Sarcoma: Diagnosis and Treatment
What is Sarcoma? David M. Hyams, M.D., F.A.C.S. Soft tissue sarcomas arise primarily from what are called “connective tissues”. These tumors [...]
What is Skin Cancer?
What is Skin Cancer? Did you know that the skin is the largest “organ” in the body? If you did, it might [...]
Indications for Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction
Indications for Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Most women with a new breast cancer diagnosis are candidates for breast conservation surgery. However, [...]
Oncoplastic Surgery and Radiation Therapy
Oncoplastic Surgery and Radiation Therapy Oncoplastic surgery is the ability to use plastic surgical techniques to achieve better cancer outcomes. Of [...]
Understanding Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Understanding Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy It is now clear for most soft tissue tumors that lymph node removal is not associated with [...]
Invasive Breast Cancer
Invasive Breast Cancer Once cancer cells invade through the duct or lobule in which they arise, they are called invasive cancers. Invasive [...]