Your Personal Consultation
Each patient is unique. Each situation is unique. Dr. Hyams and his team will take the time to evaluate you, review your diagnosis, and answer all of your questions. Dr. Hyams will design a personal medical protocol outlining your path back to health and vitality: “Getting You Back to Better”.
Welcome to Desert Surgical Oncology
A Surgical Practice Committed to Optimum Outcomes in the Treatment of
Breast, High-Risk Skin, and Soft Tissue Tumors.
Oncoplastic Surgery
An Innovative Aesthetic Approach for the Treatment of Cancer
Oncoplastic: A term derived from the greek words “ónkos”(tumor-related) and “plastiki” (molded). “Oncoplastic Surgery” optimizes cancer surgery, while minimizing defects and contour deformities.
Effective use of Oncoplastic technique facilitates a return to normal life beyond cancer care. There is less self-consciousness and greater ease with partners, spouses, family, and friends.
An oncoplastic surgeon is an expert who can integrate oncologic and reconstructive requirements, optimizing both components, leading to better surgical outcomes.
Oncoplastic surgery is a primary pathway to…

The Best Care Where You Live
• The Desert is an appealing place for living, recreation, and healthcare
• For those with a home here, there is nothing like accessible care
• For those visiting, there are many options for accommodation
At Desert Surgical Oncology, there is access to:
- A stable care team, rather than a rotation of fellows, residents, and extenders
- Dedicated staff, responsible to you, not an impersonal healthcare system
- Easy traffic-free commuting to doctors and hospitals
- 24 hour contact with your doctor
- Convenient, free parking for visits and treatments
It is important to remember that:
- People, not institutions, provide care
- This is a medically sophisticated community, with outstanding physician-consultants who can contribute to your state-of-the-art treatment.
- Dr. Hyams can act as your concierge, assembling a virtual Cancer Center of the best radiologists, pathologists, oncologists, home health care providers, physical therapists, psychologists, medical and surgical sub-specialists, regardless of their institutional affiliation.
Local Access, and the Best Care Where You Live
Hear Their Stories
Listen to the experiences of actual patients and their journey “BACK TO BETTER”
Our Office
Dr. Hyams maintains his primary office on the campus of Eisenhower Medical Center in the Kiewit Building.
Our offices are purposefully small, homey, and open, so that we can focus on individual patient care.
Each of our staff are personally selected by Dr. Hyams and feel a direct responsibility to our patients, rather than to a large impersonal organization.
Sometimes we come in early. Sometimes we stay late. Sometimes we see patients on weekends, all so that we can offer prompt care to those facing the worry of a cancer diagnosis.

Just as we continue to incorporate the latest and best treatment approaches into our surgical practice, we also strive to educate you about new topics of interest in the diseases we treat. Each of the topics below lead to short blogs, written for lay individuals. Click on a link that interests you and see what’s new.
Using Biology to More Effectively Diagnose and Manage Breast Cancer
Using Biology to More Effectively Diagnose and Manage Breast Cancer David M. Hyams, M.D., F.A.C.S. The sustained drop in breast cancer mortality [...]
Gene Expression Profiling in Malignant Melanoma
Gene Expression Profiling in Malignant Melanoma David M. Hyams, M.D., F.A.C.S. Malignant melanoma is a high-risk cancer, derived from the pigment cells of [...]
Sarcoma: Diagnosis and Treatment
What is Sarcoma? David M. Hyams, M.D., F.A.C.S. Soft tissue sarcomas arise primarily from what are called “connective tissues”. These tumors are usually [...]